Dr Konstantinos Petridis received his Bachelor in 1996 from the Department of Physics of the University of Crete and his MSc in Optoelectronics and Laser Devices from the University of St-Andrews in Scotland UK in 1996. In 1998 he joined the Nonlinear Optics Group of the University of St-Andrews in Scotland, UK as a research student. In 2001 he awarded his PhD. The title of his thesis is "External Cavity Diode Lasers as a Pump Source for Continuous Wave Optical Parametric Oscillators". Dr Konstantinos Petridis in 2003 joined, as post-doctoral researcher, the Non-Linear Optics Group of Professor Ebrahimzadeh in The Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain. In 2004 he joined the Department of Electronics of Technological Educational Institute of Crete (TEIC) as a contract assistant professor and as a researcher in the Optoelectronics, Lasers and Plasma Physics Research Group of TEI of Crete. In 2008 he got a tenure position as a lecturer in the Department of Electronics of TEI of Crete. Since 2013 is a member of the Nanomaterials & Organic Electronics Research group (leaded by Prof. Kymakis) of the HMU (ex. TEI of Crete). In 2013 he was promoted to tenure Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering of TEI of Crete. Dr Petridis since 2004 has organized and taught ten theoretical undergraduate modules, three postgraduate modules and taught six laboratory modules. Dr Petridis from 2011 was the Erasmus academic coordinator of the Department of Electronic Engineering of TEI of Crete until 2013. His research interests involve Organic BHJ Photovoltaics, application of Graphene based materials in OPVs, CW laser systems & technology, laser process of graphene and its derivatives, laser production & decoration of 2D materials, laser induced forward transfer (LIFT), laser patterning, gas sensing and modern educational methods in HEIs (flipped classroom, SCRUM in Higher Education and PBL). He was awarded with the following Prizes: EPSRC Studentship (UK) in 1996 (Academic Year 1996 – 97), IKY 1st Award Prize for the quality of the Intensive Programs in Organic Electronics has coordinated in the period of 2010 – 2012 (October 2013), EU award as Erasmus Academic Coordinator for his contribution in the Erasmus Project (April 2015, Porto, Portugal). He has coordinated 12 Erasmus projects and he actively participated as a teacher, manager, sub- coordinator in another 20 Erasmus projects. In 2020 he was nominated as the Academic Coordinator of the International Relations Office of the Hellenic Mediterranean University. He is the Academic Coordinator of the H2020 European University Project ATHENA (2020 – 2023), from the HMU site, that has received 7.500.000 Euros for funding (750.000 Euros for the HMU) He has participated as a researcher in 13 national & international research programs (Marie – Curie, FET). He has received funding that sums up to 4.2 k€ (Erasmus Programmes & domestic research grants awarded to HMU since 2006). His work counts more than 61 publications, has been cited more than 1400 times, has an h-index of 22, i-index of 27 (Google Scholar ID, Scopus, September 2022). Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=el&user=kXdc560AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=p ubdate Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6603223896