
Prof. Dr. Shashikant Patil is a Fellow Member of Institution of Engineers India as well as Fellow Member of IETE; Fellow Member IRED USA; Fellow Member The Optical Society of India and Fellow Member Of Institute of Biomedical Engineers India along with Senior Member of IEEE; Senior Member of ACM & Chartered Enginner of Institution of Engineers, India. He has as received numerous accolades for his valuable contributions and achievements in education and research. After completing his Masters from BATU, he joined NMIMS and later on appointed as an Associate Professor and Head of the Department. He is currently serving as an Associate Editor, Editorial Board Member, Technical Advisory Board Member, Potential Peer Reviewer and Journal Referee on at least 50 Journals. He is also having association with Elsevier Editorial Series , Taylor and Francis, SpringerLink Journals as a potential Peer Reviewer and Journal Referee. He has participated in more than 40 Teacher Training Programs/ STTPs in reputed institutes. He has received the Best Researcher Award 2014 of SVKMs NMIMS Shirpur. In addition to this he had been nominated as IEEE Day 2014; 2015 and 2016 as Section Ambassador and Regional Lead for region 10. He has published around 50 articles in various conferences and journals at International level. He has served as TPC Member and Designated Reviewer for more than 300+ International Conferences as well as Recognized & Outstanding Journal Referee for numerous SCI and Scopus Journals. He has also served as a EiC for IEEE C-RFID and IEEE SDN as a Managing Editor. Besides this he is having flair for writing and authored many articles as Journalist Columnist and Career Adviser as well as Social Justice.