
Dr. Smail Tigani is the Co-founder, Director and Professor at the Advanced Digital Technologies Department of the Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Systems High Private School (EPSINSIA), Casablanca, Morocco. He served as the Director and Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in the Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence School at the Euro-Med University of Fez, Morocco from 2017 to 2022. From 2013 to 2017, he worked as a Computer Science Professor in the Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences of Rabat, Morocco. He started his career as a Software Engineer during 2012/2013 in Casablanca in NEOXIA, an agency of Information Systems Consulting. Dr. Tigani completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering with specialization in Statistical Learning Algorithms Design with Low Computational Complexity for Predictive Analytics in the National High School of Electricity and Mechanics of the Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco. He received the Engineering Degree in Network and Telecommunication Systems from the National School of Applied Sciences of the Hassan I University, Settat, Morocco. Dr. Tigani is a co-author of more than 30 peer-reviewed publications in established journals and conference proceedings sponsored by established publishers such as IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, and Springer. He designed more than 13 accreditation programs including Masters, Engineering and Preparatory Cycles. Recently, he is the Founder, CEO/CTO of an Analytico-Digital Transformation Agency since 2022 and he delivered up to now five IT projects in Software Engineering, Data Analytics and Digital Marketing to the industry. His research interests are mainly the theory and applications of artificial intelligence ranging from Deep Learning theoretical and mathematical foundations to their applications in the predictive analytics, natural language processing using RNNs/LSTM/GRU such as Chatbots design, Speech/Text generation and computer vision based applications ranging from recognition to reasoning. Dr. Tigani teaching interests are mainly Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Web Science.