First Panel: Pedagogical approaches

  • Educational Paradigms
  • 21st century skills and attitudes
  • Flipped classes and active pedagogy
  • Project-based learning
  • Social context and learning environments
  • Synchronous and asynchronous learning
  • Technology-Enhanced Learning
  • Pervasive learning
  • E-learning, wikis and blogs

Third Panel: Teacher Training

  • Educators and teachers training
  • Training in pedagogical engineering and ethics
  • Instructional design
  • Evaluation
  • Community co-development
  • Resource Sharing

Fourth Panel: Educational Technology ( EdTech )

  • E-learning hardware and software
  • Immersive learning (VR/VR/Metaverse)
  • Digital Libraries
  • Security and personal data protection aspects
  • Standards and Interoperability
  • Metadata ontologies and standards
  • Virtual labs and virtual classrooms

Fifth Panel: Accreditation, Evaluation and Quality Assurance

It goes without saying that Accreditation, Evaluation and Quality Assurance play an extremely important role in the continuous improvement of training courses and programs and contribute to improving the internal and external performance of training institutions. More specifically, these systems set the educational objectives of these training courses and the skills they target, as well as the mechanisms and procedures for evaluation and Quality Assurance. This Panel focuses on accreditation, evaluation and Quality Assurance systems with the aim of presenting and discussing the best practices at the global level for these systems.

Sixth Panel : Governance of Training Institutions

The governance of training institutions is a determining factor for their success in their various missions and for the achievement of the various objectives set for them in the field of training and research and innovation. This Panel will be dedicated to the presentation and discussion of "Best Practices" in the management and governance of these institutions through a benchmark involving the governance systems of some countries at the global level.

Seventh Panel : STEM Training

In the context of the knowledge economy which is highly dependent on skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), all countries are invited to double their efforts to attract as many young people as possible to STEM training and to improve and develop these trainings to prepare the human capital necessary to take advantage of this economy. Thus, there are several initiatives launched by different countries around the world to maximize the number of graduates of these trainings to supply their economies with the STEM skills necessary to make the most of the globalized knowledge economy and to improve their industrial and economic competitiveness. This Panel will be dedicated to the presentation and discussion of best practices for developing STEM training based on a benchmark of the strategies and initiatives of some well-developed countries in this field.